Prose and Poetry section
This page contains prose and poetry written by me. Feel free to leave a comment or to contact me through the mail icon in the footer if you have any questions.
Det rinner vatten längs väggarna. Mitt fängelse dränks till tonerna av en tynande värld. I skuggan av det ...
Some places, like some people, are timeless, like nothing that ever happens leaves any lasting marks, like it’s all just scar tissue, forever rev...
Det brinner ett kors på kyrkogården, brinner i rött och gult och orange. Vid dess sida står prästen och ...
Amanda was walking down the street, her coat tightly wrapped around her like a shield. In her hand she clutched a small, leatherbound notebook. It ...
Paloqua bridge is like a portal to another place. An eight hundred meter long colossus of metal and rust...